There were likewise significant changes made to the center parts of the working framework, for example, moving from a predominantly agreeably performed multiple tasks 16-digit design to a 32-bit preemptive performing various tasks engineering, at any rate when running just 32-cycle secured mode applications

Windows 95 consolidated Microsoft's some time ago separate MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows items, and included huge upgrades over its archetype, most quite in the graphical UI (GUI) and in its rearranged "attachment and-play" highlights. The primary working framework in the 9x family, it is the replacement to Windows 3.1x, and was delivered to assembling on August 15, 1995, and by and large to retail on August 24, 1995. Windows 95 is a buyer arranged working framework created by Microsoft as a feature of its Windows 9x group of working frameworks. Image Source - Google | Image by - Erkaha If internet work for you pls comment that with what settings have you done and which Android device you have. Internet not work for me but can work for you try it because developer have already installed Firefox browser on so I think it work with internet. This is the another way for running windows 95 in Android with New official Bochs windows Emulator App.